Of the 28 characters we counted, 19 were white (67.9%), 3 were Black/African American (10.7%), 2 were Latino/a (7.1%), and 4 were Asian/Pacific Islander (14.3%). In 2014, 32.1% were people of color, compared to 24% last year. Though most of the bisexual characters counted were women (6 out of 9), there were more than twice as many (19) male LGBT characters.
The total number of identifiably LGBT characters GLAAD counted this year was 28, slightly up from 25 last year.There were no characters GLAAD determined to be identifiably transgender among any films tracked this year. Less than a third (30%) featured bisexual characters, and about one tenth (10%) featured lesbian characters. Once again, most of the inclusive films (65%) featured gay male characters.This is a slight increase from the 16.7% of films from the same studios we found to be inclusive in 2013. Of the 114 releases GLAAD counted from the major studios in 2014, 20 (17.5%) contained characters identified as either lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.